
Art in Renaissance Italy 讀書筆記


藝術史家的史觀和法律的史觀是不同的。法律可以來個”二戰後民族自決原則與模式之論析“﹐藝術史家從藝術品出發﹐背後的時代背景每次都不一樣﹐都不能相提並論。可以整合出一貫性的是風格﹐技術﹐材料或主題﹔或是像本書作者一樣從用途﹐觀眾來分析當時使用這些物品的狀況。以下筆記只是我有興趣的部份﹐整本書更有條理也更清楚﹐後面還附上清楚的 Timeline﹐只是這跟上個旅遊筆記一樣﹐都是寫給自己看的﹐沒寫出來的地方我就自己記著或忘著了。

Art in Renaissance Italy

1 不願意畢業做公證人﹐牧師或是醫生的 Petrarch 找了亞維農樂不思義的主教﹐米蘭的 Visconti 和 Padua 的 Carrara 家族贊助﹐除了收集自己也看不懂的希臘文和翻譯拉丁作品外﹐偶爾也用拉丁文寫信給自己的偶像西塞羅和聖奧古思丁﹐神交外也寫寫信給當代詩人 Boccaccio 和主要政治領袖。這種工作形式出現以後﹐後面還有一些文化流氓以一樣的形式四處找贊助﹐得了贊助就讚美君主聖明﹐不得就警告對方愚昧。多虧了這幫人在十五世紀底古代的經典和故事算是都到齊了。

1 a 除了活色生香的希臘羅馬神話和雅典學院種種外﹐騎士精神也是當時歐洲的熱潮。小朋友不再叫 Pietro or Paolo 改叫 Guinevere 還是 Lancelot。見不得裸體女人的主教自然不太高興﹐叫對方是邪教異端。Medici 贊助的 Giovanni Pico della Mirandola 帶種﹐寫信振振有辭﹕

It is neither ridiculous nor useless nor unworthy of a philosopher to devote great and unremitting care to holy prayers, rites, vows and hymns jointly sung to God. If this is helpful and proper for the human race, it is especially useful and proper for those who have given themselves up to the study of letters and the life of contemplation.

Material and Methods

2 在 Vasari 出現之前﹐藝術家的名字並不特別重要。一個藝術家多有名﹐取決于這藝術品的用料多珍貴。意大利人愛炫耀不是新鮮事﹐不過金銀成份的藝術品後來大都被換成金錢付軍餉去了。倒是銅料還可以留下一點。還有一些錢也買不到的原料﹕和 Ottoman 打仗來的珊瑚﹐希臘古物上才有的 Porphyry。錢買不到的物品則有12世紀開始主教每年送出的金玫瑰。

The Organization of Art

3 除了名字不一樣以外 (arti for Tuscany, paratici or universita in Veneto and Lombardy, Fraglia in Padua.)﹐每個城鎮藝術家組織的功能和組成方式都不太一樣。Florence 除了在政府裡面有自己的單位外﹐也各自隸屬在別的專業底下(stonemasons had their own arte, goldsmiths belonged to the silk guild, Seta, painters belong to the guild of doctors and apothecaries, the Medici e Speziali。) Florence 以外的藝術家組織就比較類似公會﹐負責檢視和保證藝術品的質量和市場價值。

3a 14 15 世紀藝術家的名字很難肯定。通常是 Vinci 城的 Leonardo﹐或是誰的兒子這樣的形式。當時只有 Medici 這樣的貴族有姓的分別。Masaccio 和 Masolino 分別是 "big Thomas“ 和 "small Thomas.” 噌侶當然就更困難了﹐轉一個教會或轉一個層級就有一個新化名。

3b Collaborative work always proven to be difficult and may takes up decades to complete. However, when it was complete a group would be form for evaluation the work. 稻麥﹐土地或稅率優惠都算是可接受的方式。藝術家通常都有副業。巴列摩的 Simone de Corleone 有自己的園藝服務。Gaspare da Pesaro 有煉糖廠﹐產橄欖油﹐米倉﹐和進出口事業。其他的西西里藝術家開自己的小酒館。Bologna 的 Cristoforo Biondi 是城裡的鐘匠﹐Lippo Dalmasio 則是公證人。

Defining Relationships: Artists and Patrons

4 當時也是有店的﹐隨時可以加上購買者的家徽”個人化“一下就賣了。還有各國跑來跑去的進出口小販。合約通常寫清楚要畫什麼﹐怎麼畫﹐主要還是列出怎麼樣的用料。藝術家和出資者的關係像現今的廣告創意和客戶一樣﹐有時自由多一點﹐有時自由少一點﹐權看討論交涉的過程。

4a " ... I am Francesco del Cossa, who have made by myself the three wall sections toward the anteroom. And so, illustrious lord, if your lordship wished to give me no more than ten pennies per foot, and even though I would lose forty to fifty ducats, since I have to live by my hands all the time, I would be happy and well set, but since there are other circumstances it makes me feel pain and grief within me. Especially considering that I, when after all I have begun to have a little of a name, should be treated and judged and compared to the sorriest assistant in Ferrara... This seems to have been the last commission that Cossa was hired to execute for the court, but Tura and Roberti, who understood what was expected of them and how to work throught the aristocratic and humanist intermediaries in Ferrara, continued to prosper."


4b 意大利的品牌精神從14世紀開始建立﹕為了搶生計藝術家開始認知簽名的重要性。甚至 Michaelangelo 都會為了打廣告簽名在 St Peter's Pieta 聖母的胸脯上。

Audience for Art

The Scared Setting

5 Paintings and sculptures might be carried in procession, worn in hats, burnt in bonfires of luxury goods. The last architectural model of the church of San Francesco in Rimini was made of sugar, eaten.

5a Exodus 20:4 "Thou shalt not make unto thyself any graven image, nor the likeness of anything that is in heaven above nor in the earth below."

5b Balbus 解釋畫像有三種功能﹕教育無知和文盲﹐讓聖徒被記憶啟發示範作用﹐奉獻的多元化。

5c 捐獻者必須小心選擇他們的對象﹐才能讓他們在你活著的時候照顧你﹐死後的審判時還能適時為你說話﹕ a extension of the clientelismo or networking of every-day life.

5d 職業朝聖者﹕懺悔代辦處 (semi-professional pilgrims by the fifteenth century)

5e 為自己贖罪﹐為家人贖罪﹐贖完再犯﹐犯完再贖。最怕就是死前沒說完。肝昏迷很危險。不過有個聖徒女兒就可以讓你死裡復活告解完再死去。

5f 除了十戒還有七大罪﹐七大罪下還有七大罪的同義。萬罪萬罪萬萬罪。

Sites of Devotion

6 修道院﹕傳統苦修的修道院到了15世紀也多少有點不倫不類起來。不是被希臘作家發覺睡得床單太柔軟舒服﹐就是被督學似的 Cardinal 發現 St Basil 修道院院長無法放棄自己的妾﹐除了她是他孩子的媽以外還有“醫生建議性對我的膽結石有好處”的理由。

The Art of Government

Creating Authority

7a immagini infamanti - 畫在市中心的單腳吊刑圖。抓不到就用圖畫顯示﹐等於罰了。

7b 為了證明自己領導的合法性﹐異國君主們特別會使用古代羅馬君王和戰將的象徵﹔西班牙君王 Afonso 統治 Naples 時不但將過去短暫法國領袖的痕跡抹去﹐還會不斷提醒當地人民自己是如何成為此地君主 。當地君主顯示自己血統的關聯性﹐米蘭的貴族則顯示自己的個性。

7c ... While signori were admired for their virility, strength, and daring, their wives were praised for their piety, learning, virginity or chastity, and their fidelity to fathers, husbands, and children.

Rome and the Republics

8 Siena, Florence, and Venice communal governments found their heritage in the Roman Republic.

The Domestic Setting

9 嫁妝的壓力大到大家都把女兒送修道院了。

9a 男人有 Studiolo 女人也可以搞一個。是“辦公室”或“書房”﹐像中國的“書齋”一樣小玩藝兒特別多。不過兩者可能都是炫耀的意思多﹐識字的少。專門寫給他的 君王論 Medici 究竟看完沒有﹖

Welch, Evelyn. "Art in Renaissance Italy", Oxford History of Art, 1997
