

本科為藝術史與文化研究。做過廣告、雜誌、網媒行銷、網遊設計,也曾鑽進法式廚房做甜點學徒,無所不寫。現暫居香港,寫電影劇本,偶爾出沒報刊,穿梭 TED 志願翻譯計畫云云。2010 偶遇並翻譯出版小說一本﹐過程可在這裡閱讀。

短篇小說《那些殺死你的都並不致命》在2014 二月五日出版。散文 詩 攝影集《桃紅柳綠 生張熟李》2016 同日出版。

I’m a little curious machina that observes how human soul trembles.  I laugh with all my heart and I love to make people laugh.  I enjoy traveling to unknown lands, meeting strangers, and listening to their stories.  I am passionate for literature, cinema, philosophy, neuroscience, food, environmental issues and world politics.  I study different cultures and believe we are the same with all our differences.  I write for leisure and money.  I write therefore I am.

I’ve lived on several continents and done many different jobs. I was a journalist for technology and lifestyle magazines.  I worked in a French kitchen as a pastry apprentice and had a good time with macarons.  I worked as a marketing director for Engadget Chinese.  I am an actress and sometimes an object in friends’ films and art projects.  I wrote advertising copies, animation, movie scripts and designed games.  Temporary reside in Hong Kong.

I’m passionate at everything I do and who I am.