為什麼這深層慾望是愛而不是其他﹖《上癮五百年》裡談到各式各樣的精神刺激物﹕茶、咖啡、酒精、香煙…… 各種毒品。但這些外來物質仍然沒有我們身體裡的激素來的強大。為什麼我們的大腦會這樣﹖書裡有很好的解釋﹕
幸福感與解脫感都是化學分子湊巧產生的結果。只有少數有毒的分子 (如果這些分子能夠順利進入循環系統並且穿越從血液到大腦的障礙) 能夠模擬或影響腦部的獎賞與痛苦的控制中樞之內的神經傳導素。身體機能在快感方面很是吝嗇。誘發幸福感的神經傳導素分配得非常儉省﹐而且大都發給對於求生或繁衍后代有益的表現。藥物會矇騙這個發送系統﹐促使這些誘發快感的神經傳導素暫時增多。
曾經上癮的人就算徹底解毒 - 古柯鹼之類的藥物完全戒除乾淨可能需要好幾個月時間﹐也會變了一個人。大腦會記得達到快感的化學藥物捷徑﹐生活環境中的細微線索 - 例如常去的酒館招牌 - 都可能挑起強烈的渴望。藥物上癮是一種慢性的﹐好復發的腦部疾病。
但要繼續這麼說下去﹐大家就回歸自然﹐像大蟋蜴見到獵物便撲上去﹐滿足時還順便啃下對方頭補充體力。事實上﹐人對愛的感知能力 - 或是這套反饋系統的強度﹐是因人而異的。成長過程、社會模式、個性基因﹐都能改變人的感受性。
5 則留言:
Co: not sure if you're aware of this, but "the reptilian brain" is an informal term used among neuroscientists to mean the part of the human brain before it evolved into high intelligence (with the prefrontal cortex) - the part that reacts by "fight or flight", and is the reason why smart people behave irrationally all the time.
yes along with "animal brain" (emotions) and the logical part + prefrontal cortex with all the control. As evolved as we are, isn't it wonderful/dreadful/dramatic to have this reptilian core within us that speak out from time to time? the fact that even smart people do irrational things - such as hopelessly in love / in loss - may also be the part where people said still "human."
I tend to think the reptilian brain more equates animal instinct. Your last sentence reminds me of the movie Gattaca - characteristics like unyielding determination is what makes us human (and I wonder how much of that is from the reptilian brain side). Antarctica penguins, me think, may also express the symptom of being hopelessly in love, having watched some documentaries on animals, lol. BTW, don't know where you found it, but love that squirrel photo you posted, supercool.
Well, on 2nd thought, determination may be rooted in love - the love for music, for one's belief, religion, country (in the case of a suicide bomber). So... there ya go - all ya need is love, blind or not...
I think this is what we are referring to: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triune_brain