故事很簡單﹕兩個個性迥異的美國女子 Vicky 和 Cristina 結伴到巴塞隆那旅行﹐遇上當地藝術家 Juan Antonio﹐同時被他吸引而捲入他和前妻 María Elena 的西班牙故事﹐再回到自己人生原軌。最後 Vicky 還是回到原本計劃好的婚姻生活﹐嫁給無聊樸實的 Doug﹐Cristina 仍然繼續她的不滿足。誰也沒改變誰﹐改變的只有認識自己無法改變。
旁白像慾望師奶 (Desperate housewifes)﹐電影配音裡那句重複的"Barcelona~" 單調無聊﹐但故事維持了 Woody Allen 凸顯荒謬的長項﹐諷刺的都很誠實。 南歐人的確覺得美國人直接、平板、缺乏熱情、毫無藝術素養﹐是只會用仿古傢具的“退化的歐洲品”。而世界上任何人到了南歐﹐剛開始都會驚訝地“找到自己”﹐但隨即發覺無法真正融入他們如神話神衹一樣混亂瘋狂﹐宿命到不可理喻的感情方式。
想和 Cruz 談戀愛嗎﹖偏偏自己又做不了 Javier Bardem。反之亦然。
Woody Allen 越老越勁﹐大概和老憤青 Mia Farrow 分手﹐順勢一次擺脫所有紐約知識份子的包袱有關。過去女主角那種神經質﹐知性卻不理性的典型總算被引人犯罪的性感取代﹐男主角們也紛紛有血(性)有(肌) 肉起來。就連 Match Point (2005) 裡唯一無法突破的激情戲都靠 Bardem 克服了( MP裡拿領帶朦眼睛那段簡直讓人誤會是笑點 - 這種事早點找專家不就好了嗎﹖)。
事先不知道導演是誰﹐但拍的太好﹐於是直覺認為一定不是美國人﹐不然不會把紐約拍的這麼好。好到不需要任何路標 - 沒有中央公園﹐帝國大廈﹐上東上西 Chinatown。只有一個咖啡座和綠色房間。夠了。編劇是第二次改寫 Philip Roth 的小說﹐配角的部份寫的尤其出色﹐自我狂的情人/親人/朋友都有自己的骨和肉。他和兒子的關係幾乎要有點勵志的意味﹐幸好不至於過份。影片的音樂和色調讓整部片從一個桃色教授的懺情書變成一個真正有感覺的故事。完整的故事。
原著唯一比電影優秀的大概就是題目。"Elegy"似乎太柔和也太悲哀﹐接近無病呻吟。或許導演不想讓 "The Dying Animal" 這名字破題﹐但 Roth 這書名取得真好。比名字更糟糕的是預告片 (還有台灣的電影譯名) In this case, don't judge a movie by its book.
2003年初﹐我剛從大學畢業﹐在美國東北部住了半年。六個月的時間裡﹐我一邊逛了為數可觀的博物館﹐一邊做些性質不同的工作。時間一半在紐約﹐一半在華盛頓特區﹔前者充滿什麼也不在乎的成功氣息﹐後者則棋盤縱橫地劃滿正當性。三月﹐美國開始攻打伊拉克﹐電視裡有製作精美的片頭﹐配合扣人心弦的新聞音樂﹐”America at War"﹐紅白藍三色的邊框這樣寫著。美國以外的國家﹐稱此行為 “Invasion of Iraq"。
Two faces of the same ocean. A clear sky, perfect day The same landscape, two sensations A storm – The billows that breaks my newborn hope
I stand on the edge of the cliff The wind blows away my tears Forget me not… the flower of the bordello
Stand on the edge of the cliff Waves that wash away my rouge Remember me… the daughter, the drifter
If there will be a day when sails home like thousand stars All the lost to find its belonging
Guan Xiu Qing was one of the major figures in Collective Of Sex Workers And Supporters. COSWAS emerges as a counter action towards the abolishment of legal sex worker in Taipei, year 1997. It creates a big discussion and turmoil inside the intellectual and social movement circle. Underground sex worker suffers from local gang, mafia, clients and police.
She is famous for her line: The people who spend life in air-conditioned office will never understand what it feels like – the feeling of standing on the cliff, if I step back, I fall.
When Guan Xiu Qing was fourteen, her father dies. She was sold to her husband for 600 US dollars. Only thing she brought to the new family was the cloth on her. Her meager dowry makes her marriage life rather difficult, it ends after three years. For supporting her blind mother, her children and her younger brother who was in a car accident, she became a legal sex worker for thirty years.